Just thought I'd take an occasional Friday to show y'all a few of my favorite things. And though I will be talking about things, many of these things are dear to me because of their connection to some of my favorite people and places.
For instance, this really old, lowly little blue pitcher...
This was Granny Trudy's pitcher. She gave it to me a few years before she got sick. It was just stowed away on a back shelf in her pantry. At some point, someone broke the handle off and glued it back on so they could keep right on using it.
I love that rustic quality it has, with all it's little bumps and divots. I love the color of it --it reminds me of denim and cornflowers. And I love the fact that it was handmade by some long ago artist, who probably never thought of himself as an artist at all. He was just making a household necessity... but it's beautiful. And of course it's one of my favorite things because it was my Granny's, and she wanted me to have it.