It's only 10:30 AM and I am pretty frustrated today because I have a couple of posts that are ready to go but I can't post them because I can't find the cord for the camera so I can't download my pictures to the computer and use them in my posts and the posts just wouldn't be the same without those photos and I don't feel well today 'cause the die-off has started and has me feeling lightheaded, foggy, and bit dizzy or as some would say, "out of my head" but I still had to take SweetPea to her piano lesson this morning and the last I time took Pickle to Dr. Gary, I asked if we should go to the pediatrician about the fact that his left foot still turns in some and he said that if it was his child he wouldn't because he could just treat him at home and keep an eye on it but because Pickle is not his child, as a professional, yes he would advise me to take him to be x-rayed just to be sure, and after he adjusted him, he had him run up and down the hall several times and said that he wanted us to bring him back one more time, so we have an appointment today and like I said, I don't feel well... oh, and the library just called and we need to go pick-up a book that Rooster requested.
WR --The newly crowned Queen of the Run-On Sentence
Kumquat and Herb Salad
1 week ago